The Menzies Legacy
Menzies’s two terms of government delivered widespread prosperity and a flourishing economy for Australians. Key aspects of the Menzies legacy include:
Improvement of living standards and a dramatic rise in the level of consumer goods per head (cars, radios etc).
Rise in home ownership from a little over 50% to around 75% of the population in a decade;
Great progress in industry, manufacturing output, primary industry production and mineral development;
Australia achieved a position in the world's top ten trading nations;
Instigation of some of the major treaties including South East Asian Treaty Organisation, ANZUS, the Commerce Agreement with Japan, along with close co-operation with the Commonwealth and other allies;
Consistent spending on defence programmes;
The arrival of 1 million immigrants in ten years;
Introduction of a succession of social security measures such as creating the Pensioner Medical and Free Medicines Service;
Expansion of support for education programs;
Established Commonwealth Scholarships and the introduction of Commonwealth scholarships for secondary schools as means of introducing State Aid to all schools.
Introduction of needed improvements such as the national divorce laws;
Child endowment introduced for the first child;
Free medical treatment for pensioners and dependants;
Free milk to school children;
Abolished land and entertainment tax;
Introduced Medical Benefits Scheme, and introduce free life-saving drugs for needy;
Promoter of Columbo Plan assisting South East Asian nations;
Reciprocity in social security with United Kingdom;
Encouraged growth of Canberra as a national capital;
Introduced Homes for Aged Scheme;
Introduced capital grants to mental hospitals and aid for teaching hospitals;
Tax deductions introduced for school fees and allied expenditure;
Introduced National Health Scheme based on self-help, providing cover for all citizens;
Completed rail standardisation Sydney to Melbourne and funded other standardisation works;
Completed dams including Blowering;
Tax concessions introduced for married pensioners;
Development of beef roads scheme to develop the inland;
Special grants introduced for anti-tuberculosis campaigns;
Introduced Department of Housing, Home Savings Grants Scheme and Housing Loans Insurance Corporation to help more Australians own their own home;
Establishment of sheltered workshops;
Introduced Aged Pensioners Home Assistance Scheme;
Introduced invalid pensions;
Established Australian Universities Commission.